These days, if you want to gain knowledge on any topic, the user can access each and every details of it by searching it over the internet. You can get the details in PPT, PDF, video and audio file format. But remember, all the details should be accessed or downloaded from those sites that you trust or from those sites that are popular such as Google, YouTube etc. because there are good sites as well as bad sites as well. As there are lots of cyber crimes that are happening around the world, so it is important to avoid these wrong sites and keep your computer along with your confidential data safe from cyber criminals.
Important tips to Preserve your Important data:
It is always better to be on a safer side to preserve all the official as well as confidential data. For this the user has to adhere to some safety rules:
For any organization – It is important that all the essential details such as user name or password should be well maintained in the organization database, rather than maintain the details in excel, word or PPT format. If you are using USB or you are sharing the server for transferring important details then in that case, it should be strictly prohibited. In this way, the official details can be preserved.
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For Users – The users should also adhere some safety tips so that they can protect their system along with personal details. The security software should be installed in your system and keep it updated all the time. While accessing the information, make sure that you are fetching the information from the trusted as well as renowned sites such as Google and YouTube. And if you notice that while fetching the details you are getting redirected to un-relevant web sites or you are getting warning signs from the security software, immediately cancel that page. If you are sharing any details through USB, scan the drive and then fetch the data from it. In this way you can protect your system and your personal details.
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