Monday, 16 May 2016

Ransomware – Should You Pay or Not?

Ransomware is a different kind of attack that enters into your system and encrypts or lock your system and hold the data for ransom. And as per security experts this kind of attack is increasing day by day and it’s becoming very complicated. 

Kind of Ransomware:

Actually there are 2 types of ransomware:

That locks your system screen – This type of ransomware locks your mobile devices and PC screen, so that users can’t access their devices, run software or make calls. But yes, one can get the access to their device once they pay the ransom amount.

That encrypts files
– It encrypts the data stored in your computer or device and thereby you can’t access or open your files. But you can access your PC and run software. This kind of ransomware just displays the pop-up messages asking you to pay ransom to get back your files.

But the good news is that one can get rid of lock screen by taking help from the technical savvy person or from the person who has technical knowledge. 

However, the bad news is that, even the savvy person can get through locked screen if you have been attacked by CryptoWall, CryptoLocker, TorrentLocker and TeslaCrypt.

The real truth is that, if you have not kept the backup of your files and if cybercriminals has properly scrambled your data then the only way to get back your files is to pay them for decryption key.

What to do?

Well, the final question in the attack of ranomware left is that, “should you pay?”
Usually, they ask for $300 to $600 which could be expensive for many computer users. But you must also consider what data they have been holding – is it your personal files, photos, videos, important and sensitive documents, etc and how much important they are for you?

Whereas security experts and law enforcement says that “These are crooks! This is extortion! If you can possibly take it on the chin, we urge you NOT TO PAY!”

But saying above lines are very easy, if it is not your data. 

You must also remember that hackers do not have data of yours they just hold them for ransom. Once you pay the ransom you can then able to decrypt your files and remove the malware, but this will only encourage the cyber-crooks to come back again for more.

So, what you should do, find the answer here – Ransomware: Should You Pay or Not?


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